这一来,如果有 laycan (Layday and canceling day, 前者是能最早始算装卸时间的一日,
后者是销约期),而船舶提早于 Layday 抵达与备妥,船东能否递交通知呢?
答案明显:可以,通知书只是针对事实。除非是租约有明示说明不可以,如“通知书只能在 Laycan之内递交”,但绝少有这样子写法。这在 LMLN No. 103 的伦敦仲裁有说明: “It is often thought that a notice of readiness could not be given before the commencement of lay days under a charter, but that was incorrect unless there was an express provision to that effect. In the absence of such provision, a valid notice might be given at any time, but the laytime could not commence before the date given in the charter.”。
如果对这个普通法默示地位不满的承租人,是可以以明示条文作出改变。例如在BEEPEEVOY 3 之第 19(a)条文的最后一句是说明不准在 layday 开始前去递交通知书(but the Notice of Readiness shall not be given, without Charterers’ sanction, before the commencement of laydays)
另一个是 LMLN No. 307 (1991),该租约的 Laycan是 1985 年8月 26 日至 31 日。另有条文说: “Commencement of laytime (loading and discharging) Written notice of readiness at the port(s) of loading to be given by vessel’s agents in shippers’ office within office hours during working days of week—laytime to commence next working day 08.00 hours whether in berth or not… At loading port time from noon Saturday to 8.00 a.m. Monday and from 5.00 p.m. day
preceding a holiday until 8.00 a.m. next working day not to count unless used. If used only actual
time used to count.” 。