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标题: 装卸时间与滞期费 英国案例小结 [打印本页]

作者: denning_lee    时间: 2011-1-8 12:25     标题: 装卸时间与滞期费 英国案例小结

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装卸时间与滞期费(二)待泊时间照算装卸时间 the radnor先例
本案例是第一个上诉庭关于time lost in waiting  for berth to count as loading/discharging time  





装卸时间与滞期费(三)待泊时间照算装卸时间 darrah先例本案例是上诉庭先例:(最终由贵族院审理)

1 本案例与前一个randor案例类似的条文,但是本案中的船舶已经成为抵达船(而上次的案例没有),所以上诉庭的法官一致判定装卸时间已经起算 time lost in waiting for berth to count as laytime 条款不起作用,承租人可以享受到装卸时间的免责条款(如节假日 良好天气工作日)

2 lord denning:装卸时间条款适用于起算时间之后,而time lost条款适用于装卸时间起算之前

  承认了上诉庭(the randor案中)关于两个条款独立的原则


3 需要贵族院作出最后的裁决(下次报道)

Lloyd's Law Reports  [1976] Vol. 1   
   Lloyd's Rep.   

Charter-party (Voyage) - Demurrage - Notice of readiness to discharge given by vessel

on becoming "arrived ship" under port charter-party - Port congested - Time lost by

vessel in waiting for berth - Clause providing that "time lost in waiting for berth to

count as laytime" - Whether clause independent of laytime provisions - "Gencon" form.

The claimant owners of the motor vessel Darrah chartered her to the respondent

charterers to carry 5500 tons of cement in bags from Novorossisk to Tripoli under a

port charter-party in "Gencon" form which stated (inter alia):

4. Time to commence at 2 p.m. if notice of readiness to discharge is given before

noon, and at 8 a.m. next working day if notice given during office hours after noon.

Time lost in waiting for berth to count as laytime.

20. Cargo to be discharged by Receivers at their risk and expense at the rate of 625

metric tons per weather working day of 24 consecutive hours, Fridays and Holidays


21. At discharging port, time from noon Thursday or noon on the day before a legal

holiday until 8 a.m. the next working day, not to count, even if used.
利比亚是穆哈默德节日 回教国家

The vessel arrived at Tripoli Roads at 2 a.m. on Jan. 2, 1973, and gave notice of

readiness to discharge immediately. She was at that moment an "arrived ship" even

though she was only in the roads. The port was congested, and between 2 a.m. on Jan. 2

and 8 a.m. on Jan. 9 she was waiting for a berth. At 8 a.m. on Jan. 9 she moved to her

discharging berth.

Discharge commenced immediately and was completed at 8 a.m. on Jan. 24.

The shipowners contended主张 that the provisions of cl. 4 resulted in the whole of the

time that the vessel was waiting for a berth (i.e. 7 days and 6 hours) being counted

against the time allowed for discharge (i.e. 8 days and 7 hours) and that just under

14 days' demurrage was due to them.
The charterers maintained that cl. 4 had no application because the whole time //that

the vessel was waiting for a berth //she was an "arrived ship", and the exceptions

provided for in cl. 20 and cl. 21 had to be taken into account in computing how much

laytime the vessel used up// while waiting for her berth,// and on this basis just

under 4 days' demurrage was incurred.

A dispute arose and the matter was referred to arbitration. The arbitrator made an

award in favour of the charterers, and stated the award in the form of a special case,

the question for the Court being:

Whether on the facts found and on the true construction of the Charter Party, the time

lost waiting for a berth is subject to the exceptions of Clauses 20 and 21.
基于发现的事实,以及正确的租约解释,就是待泊时间是不是受20 21条除外条款的调整

装卸时间与滞期费(四)待泊时间照算装卸时间 darrah先例(贵族院)

Lloyd's Law Reports  [1976] Vol. 2   
   Lloyd's Rep.   

-Held, by H.L. (Lord Diplock, Viscount Dilhorne, Lord Simon of Glaisdale, Lord Fraser of Tullybelton and Lord Russell of Killowen) that
(1) in the computation of time lost in waiting for a berth, there were to be excluded all periods /that would have been left out in the computation of permitted laytime used up if Darrah had actually been in berth (see p. 366, col. 1; p. 369, col. 2; p. 371, col. 1);

-The Radnor, [1955] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 668, explained and approved.

-The Vastric, [1966] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 219, The Loucas N, [1971] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 215 and The Finix, [1975] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 415, overruled.

(2) there was, therefore, no conflict between the laytime provisions and the time lost provisions in the case of an arrived ship under a port charter (see p. 366, col. 1);
(3) the fact that there was an overlap重复 of the time lost and the discharging or loading provisions would not matter since the time would be counted in the same way and the owner would not gain a greater advantage from his ship being kept waiting for a berth than he would get from her being kept at her berth (see p. 369, col. 2).
Appeal dismissed.

(1)租约中的条款应尽量给予解释而不是否定,那么time lost条款一样需要给予一个合理和公平的解释,这个您在几本着作中也反复强调。

(2)Lord Diplock 在the Darrah案说:,time lost是用来分配船东和承租人双方风险的条款,既然在租约中加入了这个条款,那么体现了双方对于没有空的泊位而引起的时间损失的风险如何负担,表明了时间损失在承租人的头上,这样的风险分配方式公平合理。

(3)上诉庭The Radnor,判决time lost code的独立原则,从某种意义上有其合理性。time lost code 与laytime code相协调,但是laytime code有着先决条件,在这样的情况下,判决time lost 是独立原则进行计算,将两者进行协调解释,都给予两个条文一定的意思  在the Loucas N  Lord Denning:time lost code 与laytime code分别适用于船舶靠泊的前后

    (4)上诉庭The Radnor只是判决独立计算,但并没有说明装卸时间的除外/免责是否适用。Viscount Dilhorne:

The Darrah [1976] Vol. 2    Lloyd's Rep.  368      

Although the charter-party contained a provision that loading was to be at the average rate of 1000 tons per weather working day (Sundays and holidays excepted) and although the period between June 3 and 12 must have included a Sunday, it appears never to have been suggested in argument that when counting the time lost waiting for a berth as loading time, the time lost should not include Sundays or holidays or days when the weather did not permit loading; and that question does not appear to have been considered.

    (5)上诉庭The Radnor先例只是判决独立计算,但没有进一步说明是否除外条款适用,这是其缺陷。而后续的案例(the vastric)并没有在这个问题上做出解释,错误的认为被先例约束,最终导致了不合理的结果出现。


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