70. Notice of Readiness:
At loading port:
Nor to be tendered within office hrs 0800-1700hrs Mon-Fri. Laytime to commence 0800hrs the next working day after NOR being tendered. If vsl parts or full fail holds inspection, laytime to commence 0800hrs the next working day after all holds passed.
At discharging port :
Not to be tendered within office hrs 0800-1700hrs Mon-Fri . Laytime to commence 0800hrs the next working day after NOR being tendered.
At both ends:
Time used prior commencement of laytime not to count.
Shifting time from pilot station or anchorage to 1st berth not to count.
Laytime to cease after 1700hrs before public holiday and restart at 0800hrs on Monday or the day following a public holiday.
===============作者: pantt963 时间: 2012-6-19 16:52
楼主给的信息量好少,NOR 何时递交的?
总体来说,定的条款对租船人很有利。首先是NOR只能在周一至周五的工作时间0800hrs至1700hrs内递交。NOR递交之后的第二个工作日的0800hrs开始起算laytime。如果验舱没通过,则要等到所有验舱通过后的第二个工作日0800hrd起算laytime。并且,在laytime起算前,即使已使用的装卸时间亦不计入laytime。个人认为"Laytime to commence 0800hrs the next working day after NOR being tendered”这样的表达还是有些不完善,觉得怪怪的,可以是"Laytime to commence timed at 0800hrs of the next working day after NOR being tendered".,貌似这样更明确。
public holiday的解读应是遵循港口当地的规定吧,sunday在中国应算是 public holiday,根据后面"restart at 0800hrs on Monday or the day following a public holiday”语境,合同原意应是表达周日排除的。为避免纠纷,明确SSEX就好了。
以上愚见希望能有所帮助作者: pantt963 时间: 2012-6-19 17:03
刚刚又看了下楼主的问题,你大概是想知道周五1700hrs结束后,到周一restart是从0800 开始还是从0000开始?Laytime to cease after 1700hrs before public holiday and restart at 0800hrs on Monday or the day following a public holiday,这句话还是比较明显的restart at 0800hrs on Monday,可能船东是要钻空子the day following a public holiday并且the day从0000起算,个人认为船东很难说得过去。其实核心就是8小时的laytime价值大小吧,可以算算多少钱的,具体处理起来,可以考虑和船东的关系如何。。。作者: frankiexu 时间: 2012-6-19 17:46
the difference is usd50,000 as it will go on demurrage if NTC.作者: christberry 时间: 2012-6-20 14:20
2)public holiday
我觉得周日是不能算作PUBLIC HOLIDAY的,首先,按照VOYLAYRULES 93的解释,""HOLIDAY" shall mean a day other than the normal weekly day(s) of rest,XXXXXXX" 很明显SUNDAY就是“the normal weekly day(s) of rest”,所以SUNDAY是不属于HOLIDAY的。另外,在“Lowlands Orchid”一案中,英国高院认定“super holiday"不等同于”holiday",同理,我认为“public holiday"同样不等同于”holiday",实际使用的时候,“public holiday”会比“holiday"有更严格的解释,更不会包括sunday了。
我觉得你唯一能扯的就是合同中的” restart at 0800hrs on Monday“,通过这个说明你们订约的时候是把 sunday算到 public holiday里边的,但我真觉得这种理由很难靠的上。。。