"Where a voyage charterparty is delayed without the fault of either party, in circumstances that would otherwise amount to frustration, but where those delays are in part caused and/or contributed to by the action or inaction of the cargo receivers (not being parties to the charterparty), is the charterparty frustrated? Or does that action or inaction mean that what would otherwise be frustration is "self induced" by charterers, such that charterers cannot contend that the charterparty is frustrated". (当承租合同非因任何一方过错而发生延误,延误情形本足以导致租约受阻,但该延误是部分由于收货人的行为或可归于收货人的行为(收货人不是租约的一方时)时,租约是否受阻?亦或是,收货人的作为或不作为仍视为承租人自己导致的受阻,承租人不能以合同法下的受阻予以抗辩。)