Pls noted MV UNVIERSE XXX was delivered to charterers,ADMIRAL SHIPPING AND TRADING LTD, on 0248GMT 22nd Aug 2019, According to cp which signed on 13th Aug 2019, the first 15 days hire shoud be paid to owners' bank account within 3 b.days after vessel's delivery together with bunker value on delivery,the specified amount is USD 298,409.98 ( including the fist 15 days hire and the bunker value). And charterers should be given 3 banking days to rectify any failure. Owners sent such grace period notice to charterers everyday during the 3 days grace period, but the owners still haven't received any payment from the charterers so far.
The owners are disappointed that the charterers have failed to pay hire punctually in breach of clause 4 (hire payment) and clause 18 the C/P. As a result of the charterers’ failure to pay hire, the owners hereby withdraw the vessel from the charterers’ service with immediate effect and treat this as having terminated the C/P. The master will be notified accordingly. The owners hold charterers responsible for any losses suffered as a result of the above breach
请教下大佬们,你们认为上述撤船通知是否值2000欧元。 |