船厂与BROKER签了个佣金合同,里面约定佣金按期支付(船厂收到买方每期付款之后立即支付BROKER相应的佣金),还有一条是这么说的:“if due to any reasons whatsoever, the ship sales contract does not become effective, or is cancelled and /or rescinded by the buyer or shipyard during the period of construction of the vessel due to whatever reasons shipyard shall be immediately released and discharged from its obilgation to pay the unpaid installment or installments of the commission. in the event hereof, this agreement shall be henceforth deemed to be null and void and of no further effect." 后来船舶买卖合同terminated 的了,但船厂已经收到了买方的第二期付款。现在BROKER想问船厂要第二期的佣金,但船厂拒绝了。
问题是佣金合同约定了那么一条,还不咸不淡的说“unpaid installment or installments of the commission”。我想问问各位,这条是仅仅针对未产生的佣金还是指所有的没有支付的佣金(只要船厂没有付,合同被终止了,无论船厂有没有收到买方支付的款项都可以不用再支付任何佣金,包括欠下的已经产生的佣金)。
不知道我有没有说清楚这件事情。希望得到各位的指点。 |