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封港--等泊 laytime 计算/20110620

Dear Yang ,
Good day !

Tks for yrs help and attention.
If possible,Could u kindly clear the flg matter ?

Case : vsl arrived disg port 0700lt/ fri ,but port closed due to dense fog.

1)As mainterms of f/n, Nor tender and laytime commenced to count as standard Gencon 94.
2)Other terms as Stemmor C/p (Clause 5, Time not to count as l/d time ...incl bad weather ... beyond chrtrs control )
3)Rate: pwwd of 24 consec hrs
4)No exact words in f/n agreed by owner and chrtr ,such as " Always accessible" or " Reachable on arival"

Questions :
Should we count this period ( port closure) as laytime ?

Yr any comments wl be appretiated .

Add: As Sof of disg port , which is marked clearly by words " vsl at berth working normal" (during the period of port closure)
--mainterm 只是简单指出 nor tender & laytime commence to count as gencon 94..
--其他参照 stemmor c/p ( as stemmor c/p clause 5 : ... time lost at any time by reason of all or any of the flg causes shall not to count in the l/d time or as dem ,.... "incl bad weather" and so on ... )---bad weather 属于承租人免责事项
--另外合同中未明确定 "port always accessible" or " reachable on arrival " --"任何时间可进出" / "抵达即可马上靠泊" -- 承租人认为bad weather 适用stemmor c/p clause 5 认为属于船东风险
--同时sof 上明确标识封港期间 在泊船舶正常作业
如果按照gencon 94,因大雾等泊(在港船舶作业)时间是要计算laytime, 目前case 有涉及其他的c/p,请问是否有类似的CASE 或者判例可以支持?
5# seaswift

