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This morning, in the website the above two records shows due to copy right, the records cannot be heard outside PRC. It is strange that the other records have no problems.* Q9 s$ @* R4 e7 J) Y) B/ Q
wardrobe 发表于 2011-11-7 12:06
, n" `2 E$ N( Z: q
0 z/ M' U7 M* {) ~5 ~' P$ a
Thanks for your information. The problem has been reported to the customer service of tudou and please try it several days later.
管理员,你好。这是我很需要的讲座,可是这两个页面都显示已经删除,无法播放了。能否重新上传一下呢。谢谢!2 x, p; D, k. r( R
yangzhu1026 发表于 2011-11-16 21:51
* l9 c1 S' K0 P# @由于土豆网站设置限制,导致录音在大陆以外的地区无法打开.所以录音重新被上传.请使用现在帖子中的链接.
It seems again most of the records shows that due to copy right, the records cannot be heard outside PRC.
5 |9 g7 f& ~1 Z  d0 ?wardrobe 发表于 2013-4-3 18:21
- R. P! `  e5 J' N2 T# S2 x) M. d1 C6 s+ I  z: d9 k
Please see the following reply from the website called TUDOU1 F! F8 R5 ^( ]! b& F& [+ }; I& _+ U

* k/ y) L; ?4 ^: S- A' N" R"目前土豆正在整合完善针对非大陆地区观看视频的权限,目前超过15分钟的视频都会屏蔽,包括版权和非版权视频,以及15分钟以下的版权视频,如果您想观看,推荐您使用google浏览器,里面有一款名叫“Unblock Youku”的插件,安装后可看被屏蔽的视频,我们会尽快完善整合,很抱歉给您带来不便。"6 g$ n- r+ h* @
$ M; Z+ R5 A6 ~4 f  H5 a